Entries are now open for the 2023 MP&DA Awards for Excellence.
In 2023 we're encouraging entries throughout the year so you can submit in any category as you complete the job. We'll then look to judge the entry as soon as we can thereafter.
This makes it easier than ever to enter. There's no last-minute rush or having to go back months later to get photos or arrange judging access. Simply submit as you go.
This will let you enter as many times as you like, in as many categories as are applicable, to ensure that you have even more chance of winning.
Being an MP&DA Awards for Excellence finalist or winner places the quality of your work, and your business, in the highest echelon.
Many of our most successful members use the awards as a key part of their annual business development and marketing strategy.
To that end, we will also highlight as many of these early entries as we can on social media to promote your great efforts and keep interest in the awards top of mind.
Whether you enter every year, or have never entered before, make 2023 a successful year. Enter now and enter often.